筋芽細胞 / Myoblasts

目次 / Index

マウス筋芽細胞 / Murine myoblasts

私たちは、C57BL/6 マウスの骨格筋から採取した筋芽細胞を用いています。初代培養した筋芽細胞は、生体内での現象をよく反映しています。また、遺伝子改変マウスの筋芽細胞は、筋疾患のモデルとしても有用です。単核の筋芽細胞を分化誘導すると、多核の筋管が得られます (Motohashi 2014, Takaya 2017)。私たちは、骨格筋の分化・発生・再生の分子メカニズムを明らかにするために、この過程を詳細に研究しています。

We utilize the murine myoblasts isolated from skeletal muscle of C57BL/6 mice. Primary-cultured myoblasts well reflect intravital phenomena. The myoblasts isolated from transgenic mice are useful as the models of muscular disorders. Mononuclear myoblasts can be differentiated into multinuclear myotubes (Motohashi 2014, Takaya 2017). We are studying this process to clarify the molecular mechanisms during skeletal muscle differentiation, development, and regeneration.

マウス筋芽細胞 / Murine myoblasts
Fig 1. マウス筋芽細胞の分化 / Differentiation of murine myoblasts
(MHC, ミオシン重鎖 / myosin heavy chain. Scale, 100 um)

ニワトリ筋芽細胞 / Chicken Myoblasts

ニワトリ、特にブロイラーなど肉用鶏の骨格筋は、鶏肉として私たちにも身近な食品です。私たちは、ニワトリ筋芽細胞の採取・培養技術を確立し、鶏肉の生産に有用な分子の探索や、鳥類と哺乳類の骨格筋の違いを研究しています (Takaya 2017, Nihashi 2019, Nihashi 2019)。

Skeletal muscle of chickens, especially of meat-type chickens such as broilers, is a familiar food for us. We established the culture system of chicken myoblasts to find the beneficial molecules for the production of chicken meat and to study the differences of skeletal muscles between aves and mammals (Takaya 2017, Nihashi 2019, Nihashi 2019).

ニワトリ筋芽細胞 / Chicken myoblasts
Fig 2. ニワトリ筋芽細胞の分化 / Differentiation of chicken myoblasts
(MHC, ミオシン重鎖 / myosin heavy chain. Scale, 100 um)

参考文献 / References

Motohashi N, Asakura Y, Asakura A. Isolation, culture, and transplantation of muscle satellite cells. J Vis Exp. 2014; 86: doi: 10.3791/50846.

Nihashi Y, Ono T, Kagami H, Takaya T*. Toll-like receptor ligand-dependent inflammatory responses in chick skeletal muscle myoblasts. Dev Comp Immunol. 2019; 91: 115-122.

Nihashi Y, Umezawa K, Shinji S, Hamaguchi Y, Kobayashi H, Kono T, Ono T, Kagami H, Takaya T*. Distinct cell proliferation, myogenic differentiation, and gene expression in skeletal muscle myoblasts of layer and broiler chickens. Sci Rep. 2019; 9: 16527.

Shinji S, Umezawa K, Nihashi Y, Nakamura S, Shimosato T, Takaya T*. Identification of the myogenetic oligodeoxynucleotides (myoDNs) that promote differentiation of skeletal muscle myoblasts by targeting nucleolin. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021; 8: 616706.

Takaya T*, Nihashi Y, Kojima S, Ono T, Kagami H. Autonomous xenogenic cell fusion of murine and chick skeletal muscle myoblasts. Anim Sci J. 2017; 88: 1880-1885.