Preparation of single myofiber with satellite cell

Preparation of single myofiber with satellite cell



  1. Euthanize mouse.
  2. Dissect EDL or TA muscle.
  3. Wash muscle by 1 ml DMEM/PS in 24-well plate.
  4. Incubate muscle in 1 ml collagenase I sol in 24 well-plate at 37C for 1 h (EDL) - 2 h (TA).
  5. Prepare HS-coated 3 cm and 10 cm dish.
  6. Move muscle to HS-coated 10 cm dish by plastic pipet.
  7. Dissociate muslce by plastic pipet WITHOUT TOUCHING MUSCLE.
  8. FOR FLOATING CULTURE: Move single myofiber by 200 ul pipet into myofiber medium in HS-coated 3 cm dish.
  9. FOR IMMUNOSTAINING: Move single myofiber by 200 ul pipet into 1 ml 2% PFA/PBS in 48-well plate.
    See Immunostaining for myofiber.

HS-coated dish

HS-coating prevent myofiber from attaching to dish.

  1. Coat 3 cm and 10 cm petri dish with horse serum.
  2. Incubate at 37C for 30 min.
  3. Remove horse serum.
  4. Add 1.5 ml myofiber medium into 3 cm dish.
  5. Add 10 ml DMEM/PS into 10 cm dish.
  6. Incubate dish at 37C until use.


Pasut A, Jones AE, Rudnicki MA. Isolation and culture of individual myofibers and their satellite cells from adult skeletal muscle. J Vis Exp. 2013; : e50074.